Our people

Meet the 3D GEO team

3D-GEO has a core of Senior Technical Resources on staff, in addition to a wide range of Geotechnical Experts gathered through over 35 years in the Australian Petroleum Sector. All of our staff and associates have worked for large international Oil and Gas Companies and/or Government Petroleum Authorities, and they all bring specialist expertise and a wealth of valuable experience.

Owner / Director / CEO

Keven Asquith
Explorationist/Project Manager
Lorenzo D’Auria
Data and IT Manager

Senior Professionals Melbourne

Geoff Geary
Senior Geoscientist
Nixis Carerro
Senior Geomodeller
James Preston
Geochemist/Basin Modeller
Angie Cernovskis
Petrophysics Associate
Robert Motta
Petroleum Engineering Associate

Senior Professionals Bolivia

Dugmar Mendez
Senior Geoscientist / Stratigrapher
Diego Paredes
Senior Geoscientist / Geophysicist
Dugmar Mendez
Senior Geoscientist / Stratigrapher

Associates – Technical Advisors

Assoc. Prof Alan Tait
Rob Kirk
Sequence Stratigrapher
Leidy Cardenas
Prof Mike Hall
Structural Specialist
Gareth Cooper​
Structural and Basin Modeller
Assoc Prof Kevin Hill
Structural Specialist
Simon Horan
Stratigraphy /Operations
Mark Smith
Fault Seal Analysis
David Castillo
Peter Elze
Petroleum Economics
Barry Adams
Facilities Design
Michael Noble
Seismic Processor

Our Services

3D GEO geoscience services range from B to Y, only missing Acquisition and Zircon fission tracking.

Evaluation scale covers basin analysis, permit review, prospect volumetrics and risking, well review and development planning.

What we do


We are experts in Geosciences and seismic processing

Our workflows


Basin review workflow

Seismic Interpretation

ME and Sub-continent Region Experience